Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zhui Xing Entertainment News


This is Zhui Xing Entertainment News bringing to you the latest and hottest news in the entertainment industry.

This week, Reiko writes her first Entertainment news! Enjoy ;)

We all know that Selina is getting married! So how’s the preparation going? On the day itself, famous Taiwan variety show hosts阿Ken and 纳豆will be hosting the wedding dinner! I suppose we all expect the bride to be all excited about the wedding, but Selina’s NOT. She’s calm and composed and playing mahjong. Lol.. So in the end, 纳豆asked for a meeting to discuss about the wedding, and Selina teased him by saying, “哈!你也会紧张喔”。Loads of famous politicians and artistes will be making speeches, so the hosts joked that they will be eating the 10 dishes while the big shots make their speeches. Lol..

Hot news from our Mr. Lu. Lol.. 卢广仲 is in China to perform for 西湖音乐节. When he arrived at 杭州, he was really excited and took loadsa photos as well as admire the beautiful scenary. (Hmm.. I too wana go 杭州!) And when you get to 杭州, you will be captivated by the river water and want to go for a ride on a little boat. How poetic! But Mr. Lu didn’t do that, because he wana ‘nap nap nap’. So off he went to the dreamland in a sunshine afternoon…

Whee.. Fashion always become really exciting on 大明星! Only they are able to do exaggerating kind of style~ wahaha.. Anyway~ Next up, we have news from Lady Gaga! And I only got to know that her Chinese name is 女神卡卡. Lol.. Oh so slowwww.. Yes, but that’s not the point. The point is, Lady Gaga is in New Delhi, India! India is a beautiful place! Im gona go there some day. Apparently, Lady Gaga also loves India! So she dyed her hair into the colours of India flag, and in the photo I found, she wore this lovely colourful dress, which makes me full of admiration for her. How beautiful! No gothic, no meat dress. Colours colours and more colours. How GLAM!! Btw she's there to perform for the F1. Her tweet: "I am finally here! What a dream come true! Performing at F1 in India."

*Reiko's Special*

Yay! It's Reiko's Special, meaning I can post any songs I wana! wahaha.. Not. I'll not be posting bossa nova kind of songs. Dont worry. Hopefully they are entertaining! waha..

Do your know Makiyo? You MUST KNOW MAKIYO! Makiyo released her album called 《夜电》. The funny part is her dance teacher who choreograph for her MV's dance is under great constraints, coz she doesnt want complicated dance. lol.. So how uncomplicated did it become? Take a look at the video~ Her co-dancers are very busy. lol.. BUT I still love Makiyo! She's funny :)

那英released her new album after many years! This song that I am featuring is called 《长镜头》. The music was by Tanya and lyrics by 小寒. You'll recognize a Tanya style melody :) Enjoy~

Next up, Im introducing a very interesting song sung by Soda Green. Seriously the song is v nice. Esp the chorus. Gives a very shiok feeling after listening. lol.. Prob of the lyrics?

Watch an MV movie by 大S and 阿信! lol.. This time 大S becomes a vampire! We have always know that 大S prob have a gothic side of her. This time she fulfills her desire to become a vampire. The music is not something I like, but interesting MV. lol..

Finally, I wana intro a very cool dance performance by Lollipop F. I have never been a Lollipop F fan, but the dance performance they did at Kang Xi is a MUST WATCH. They are SO GOOD! And it's quite funny coz they incorporated a segment of an MV that 蔡康永 acted in recently. I've attached the original video after the dance video. Enjoy Lollipop F's dance! Best dance this year!!

The original clip

I must share this super funny performance by 张栋梁。I practically/ no I really laughed out loud on the MRT coz of this video. Lol.. ENJOY!!
The performance was called 《人在江湖》.


That's all this week!
Hope you enjoyed!


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