Saturday, October 15, 2011

Entertainment News


This is Zhui Xing Entertainment News bringing to you the latest and hottest news in the entertainment industry.

Is 陈晓东 dating someone at the moment? reports:

  睽违乐坛3年,陈晓东前天带着全新华语专辑《陈晓东 SO HOT2011》旋风访狮城,他早前为新专辑MV远赴马尔代夫取景,更尺度大突破,袒胸露肩秀腹肌;据悉,这是他出道以来,专辑造型最“清凉”的一次,让女歌迷眼睛大吃冰淇淋!

  最近男星纷纷出写真集, 尺度比比一个大,陈晓东有过拍写真集的想法,但未落实,“感觉还是自己保留一点。我每天洗澡看镜子都看到( 自己身材)啊。”他在拍新歌MV时狂操锻炼, 事隔数月, 问他腹肌是否还在?他腼腆回:“阴影还有一点点!”

  出道1 6 年的陈晓东一向人缘好、男女通吃,如今已经36岁,他坦言,现在同性、异性缘更好了。

  碰到没有feel的异性,他会如何拒绝?他笑道: “ 听少一点电话, 哈哈。你们说得好像我很available(单身)!”

  他去年4月爆出和中国小模订婚, 但半年后喊cut,难道现在“not available”(已有交往对象)?闻言,他直冒冷汗,试图尴尬笑笑带过;再追问,陈晓东才直言:“我这几年就是拍拖……等有一天能发展出稳定的感情再说吧。”并透露想婚时会公开恋情。

  他也说,结束一段恋情后, 向来不吃回头草, 从来都没有例外,理由是:“潇洒一点!”间接也否认与张柏芝复合传言。

If you have been following my Twitter update you would have known that Zhui Xing went to watch 陈洁仪's “想象空间” concert. It was Superb!!!! reports:





  “第一,是不唱会活不着走出去的歌;第二,最新作品;第三,能释放我内心drama queen的歌!”


  在唱《What If God Was One Of Us》时,她突然忘词,即场吐出“God forgive me!(神请原谅我!)”,让观众笑声一片。


Jupiter's Special

This semester i got a chance to write an essay in school about the Korean Wave.
Handed in the essay last week already and quite a lot of insightful findings that i had.
So i figure out that i will do another K-Pop special this week.
Featuring the hottest songs at the moment.

Super Super love this first song.
So like that i keep getting earworms. Haha.
The song keeps repeating and repeating in my head.
First up is KARA with Step.
Nice catchy melody and the dance step is so sexy with a tinge of attitude.
Sing along with them ba.

Next up is U-Kiss's Neverland.
This video is especially for Miss Mango who keeps lamenting and drooling over these boys when she sees their performance. Haha.
Yar very shuai la especially their dance steps and all.
But im particularly impressed with the lead singers high notes towards the end. Very 扎实.

Next up is everybody's favourite Super Junior.
Their follow up song promotion after the successful "Mr Simple".
This is A-Cha.
Very 洗脑 kinda song. Haha.
This music video u will get to see Heechul who is already enlisted into the army and also SiWon who is busy filming Poseidon and didn't join his group mates in the promotion of this song.

Up next is my new personal favourite boyband, Infinite.
Watch up for them. I believe this is the up and coming band to watch out for.
Already win a few number No.1 with this song and their previous song.
I like their dance lor. So neat and impactful.
This is Infinite with Paradise.

After a lot of dance tracks, let's slow down and go for some 温暖情歌.
I have featured this song on my facebook before and i think i must feature it here too.
These girls can really sing la.
Look so pretty and the voice so powerful. Harmonizing is nice too.
This song was also number 1 wor.
Davichi with Don't Say Goodbye. Enjoy!!!

Oh to SNSD (Girl's Generation) fans, watch out for them as their new song will be released this coming week.

That's all this week.
Cya again.

Xian Hao

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