Hi Hi this is Mango & Reiko's crazy entry! In this entry, we have a special mission, coz coz~ we want to wish someone happy birthday. We are 刚好 friends with google, so we found this in her house:
This Mouse has been a Birthday Rock singer for 10 years. haha.. Yup, due to the rocker spirit, it has exceeded the normal lifespan of a mouse. wahaha..
(Source: http://www.zanyimages.com/Belated%20Birthday/Happy%20Birthday%20to%20You%20!!!.jpg)
And then, we decided that birthday cakes can be more rock too. How about sparks on cakes? Bling Bling Bling Bling~ hahaha..
(Source: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2054/2195153228_9d4bcbbe22.jpg)
But I talk so much, still haven reach zhong dian. haha.. Ya.. Thats my style. The Zhong dian is~ Tmr 1st May is Jupiter's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday to Jupiter!!! But since your real name is not really Jupiter, so I must wish you again. Happy Birthday Xianhao!!! Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope you will have a realllllllllllllllly wonderful, nice, interesting, exciting, PRODUCTIVE, crazy, Rocking Birthday. haha.. I think I got influenced by Mango's Rocker spirit. But of coz I am not a rocker. I am rebellious Poet/Romantic. Yup..Dun puke out your cake. hahaha..
Hope you will enjoy your Bdae la.. 22 liao wor.. 老le.. haha.. Ok... kidding. :D
Mango:Hi! 我现在在 Reiko 家写这个 blog entry.. now she's grumbling about her dinner. haha. Can be really annoying at times. haha.
Yup I went to surprise her, but actually it's not very surprising cos she 心里有准备 that I will be a 不速之客。haha. But ya.. I juz wanted to 探访 my old friend who is currently undergoing 修行。haha.
Right. HERE COMES THE MAIN POINT OF THIS BLOG ENTRY. well it seems like lit gals like to 铺陈 b4 they reach the main pt.
I know tmr's your birthday but you cant really enjoy as you have a paper on Sat. Never mind. U can be assured that your birthday make-up with the zhui xing after exams will be real fun.
But, if u dare to slack, then 就另当别论。哈哈。Though I yearn 4 a treat from you.. haha!
老了。no wonder u r AH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BEI!!!!
(Reiko: Hahahahahaha)
Happy birthday to my dearest muthu percy!!
May ur prata shop thrives and U get good CAP score this semester. (I noe this is impt to U)
P.S. If you read till now feel like crying, dun need. Cos muz save the Earth. Dun use tissue.
If u laugh till stomachache, not OUR business. hahaha.
Reiko says: fAST and furious very shuai. wahaha.
MAngo: JUst DO IT! Be like a real ROCKER! (ROck: Rare!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reiko: She crazy one. Fast and Furious then RocCccccccCCc~ Happy Birthday la you. hahaha.. Zac wish you from afar. Mango says Julian Hee will give you a kiss on your bdae. wahaha.. (Kidding~)
Ahem~ It has come to the end of our special Bdae entry for YEE XIAN HAO! hahaha.. So we shall say~
Thats all for now! :)
Happy Birthday! :)
A Pair of Pretty Shoes will take you to beautiful places.
Yup I went to surprise her, but actually it's not very surprising cos she 心里有准备 that I will be a 不速之客。haha. But ya.. I juz wanted to 探访 my old friend who is currently undergoing 修行。haha.
Right. HERE COMES THE MAIN POINT OF THIS BLOG ENTRY. well it seems like lit gals like to 铺陈 b4 they reach the main pt.
I know tmr's your birthday but you cant really enjoy as you have a paper on Sat. Never mind. U can be assured that your birthday make-up with the zhui xing after exams will be real fun.
But, if u dare to slack, then 就另当别论。哈哈。Though I yearn 4 a treat from you.. haha!
老了。no wonder u r AH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BEI!!!!
(Reiko: Hahahahahaha)
Happy birthday to my dearest muthu percy!!
May ur prata shop thrives and U get good CAP score this semester. (I noe this is impt to U)
P.S. If you read till now feel like crying, dun need. Cos muz save the Earth. Dun use tissue.
If u laugh till stomachache, not OUR business. hahaha.
Reiko says: fAST and furious very shuai. wahaha.
MAngo: JUst DO IT! Be like a real ROCKER! (ROck: Rare!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reiko: She crazy one. Fast and Furious then RocCccccccCCc~ Happy Birthday la you. hahaha.. Zac wish you from afar. Mango says Julian Hee will give you a kiss on your bdae. wahaha.. (Kidding~)
Ahem~ It has come to the end of our special Bdae entry for YEE XIAN HAO! hahaha.. So we shall say~
Thats all for now! :)
Happy Birthday! :)
A Pair of Pretty Shoes will take you to beautiful places.
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