This is Zhui Xing Entertainment News bringing to you the latest and hottest news in the entertainment industry.Zhui Xing Entertainment News Top of the Charts
Top Kpop Song of the Week: Twinkle / Taetiseo (SNSD)Top Mandopop Song of the Week: 你怕谁 / 大嘴巴
Top Drama Series of the Month (May): The Moon that Embraces the Sun
Top Movie of the Month (May): --
萧亚轩 and 柯震东, are they in a relationship?
Xinmsn.com reports:Kai Ko and Elva Hsiao were spotted wearing couple outfits and going on a cycling date.
The pair was seen cycling at the riverside and was unabashed in showing their love for each other. Kai also posted on his Facebook yesterday that he had been "cycling every day recently," as though confirming the reports.
At a movie event yesterday, Elva was bombarded with questions about her relationship with Kai and the singer clarified that they are just "getting along normally." Despite a 12-year age gap, Elva claimed that the pair "does not have generation gap" and praised Kai for being "real, sincere and filial."
Under the persistent questioning from the reporters present, Elva asked for mercy and whined, "Aiyo, please stop asking!" When asked about her thoughts on Kai's surgery in June to remove the growth in his head, the 32-year-old gave a coy reply, expressing that she "will pray for a lot of her friends."
While the duo remain evasive about their relationship, Kai had reportedly referred to the singer as "girlfriend" among his friends and would keep his distance from other girls during gatherings.
Is 许志安 and 郑秀文 finally getting married?
Zaobao.com reports:4 4岁许志安两度求婚成功, 9 月将和郑秀文低调飞欧洲结婚,婚后不设防积极“造人”!
据香港《苹果日报》报道, 相恋2 1年的郑秀文和许志安( 安仔) 去年3 月复合后,感情一直甜蜜蜜, 有指郑3 9 岁的郑秀文眼见好友刘德华、杨千嬅赶在龙年陆续荣升为人父母,受感染也想当妈,近日有传安仔两度求婚,终于成功抱得美人归,郑秀文决定今年9 月到欧洲秘密结婚, 婚后积极“ 造人”,一圆当妈梦!
报道指,郑秀文最近已开始调理身体, 准备婚后不设防, 和安仔积极“ 造人”,近来不单勤做运动,还胃口大好。
既然已做好为人母的心理准备,当务之急当然先得有个“ 许太太”的名分。
据悉,郑秀文和安仔去年重燃爱火后,一直处在热恋期,除了甜蜜拍拖预支蜜月,安仔也希望早日给郑秀文名份,不停想求婚新点子;加上或亲友怂恿和游说,郑秀文终于点头肯嫁。 为免婚讯曝光成焦点,小俩口决定低调结婚,两人近日各自赶着完成手头上的工作,待9月至11月放三个月大假,办理人生大事。
据悉,届时两人会先一起参加梅艳芳生前经纪人王敏慧在英国的婚礼,同行的包括好友苏永康等Big 4成员。
郑秀文和安仔计划低调,目的是希望将婚事保密,待注册后才公开喜讯。 郑秀文被问喜讯,甜笑没否认。
Jupiter's Special
When i was in Taiwan, I saw a lot of promotional activities by this group of people.Apparently, they are quite popular there as well.
I have always liked this bunch of people and let's see what kind of surprises 大嘴巴 brings to the table this time round.
First up lets take a look at this week's number one song 你怕谁.
大嘴巴 stayed true to their usual clubbing friendly style in this song and i think this is the kind of songs they should be doing. It sets them apart from the other groups out there.
Very refreshing to hear such songs especially this time when the Mandopop industry is not going anywhere.
I personally feel this next song is probably not as strong as the first song.
But the music video is very colourful and lively.
Oh, and i think this 怀秋 is getting more and more handsome. Wonder if you guys feel the same. Haha.
This is "R u Kidding Me".
This next song is a more lively and motivational kinda song.
I personally like it a lot too.
And i guess the clothes featured in this music video is 大嘴巴's own fashion brand ba.
Correct me if im wrong. Haha.
This is Maybe 的几率.
Let's end of today with a high!!!!
Super like this song!!!
Very 动感 and makes you wanna get up and dance!!
This is Baboo.
That's it for this week.
Cya again next week. :)
Xian Hao
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