Friday, January 27, 2012


It started out with this small incident on the train:

And it has escalated to a verbal war between the two "countries".

Really buay tahan listening to the professor's nationalist comments. Even if he has experienced unpleasant encounters with Hongkongers, the name-calling and generalization of the entire population is pretty extreme. What's more, he expresses his prejudice in a matter-of-factly manner. Before he points his finger to others, perhaps he should reflect upon the behaviour of his own countrymen as well.

Anyway the professor was so engrossed in his verbal attack that he missed the point that the parent did not show any remorse for dirtying the train.

Quite a lot of countries allow eating or drinking in trains, though it is of good manners to do it discreetly without dirtying the area. These people might experience a little culture shock when they ride trains in cities like Hong Kong and Singapore, where eating or drinking is prohibited. Nevertheless it is important to respect the local culture and abide by their rules when visiting other countries.

With the influx of PRCs into Singapore, and the rising discontent with foreigners, will this kind of incident happen here as well in the future?

The professor cited examples from other countries to support his flawed logic. And that includes Singapore, which is also strictly governed by rules like Hong Kong. His '没素质' implication angered many Singaporeans too.


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