Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2011/2012 Semester 2

I just had my first lesson for the semester today and I was suddenly remembered that I forgot to write this entry. Haha.

Here are the modules that I will be taking this semester.
Last semester before I join the workforce and contribute to the GDP of Singapore. Haha.

FIN4112G: Seminar in Finance: Private Equity
HY2220: Korea in the Twentieth Century
LAK1201: Korean 1
GEK1003: Introduction to Politics
BCP4002: Consulting Practicum

Of cos this semester i will have to continue with my Consulting Practicum project. This semester the focus is to get the report out. Gonna be lotsa writing and analysis cos previous groups doing our project had submitted reports with 300 pages. So must at least be on par. Wah 300 page lor can die sia. Machiam writing a book.

And if u notice, this sem is also very Korean for me. Will be taking Korean history and Korean Language. This is my first time taking a third language course in NUS. I pray that i can survive. Just learning the vowels online, i already wanna faint. Haha.

This semester, i will be going all out in my job hunting as well.
Really wish that i can secure a reasonable job before graduation.

Praying that the Lord open up doors for me in my job hunt and guide me in choosing the right career path.
May He lead us through all the obstacles and challenges ahead!!!

Xian Hao

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