Tuesday, December 06, 2011


We know that this cute black and white bear is an endangered species. Here are some facts about them.

- Pandas are native to only China.

- It is believed that only about 2000 pandas are living in the wild.

- There are only 2 known species of panda. The black and white Giant Panda we commonly know of, as well as the dark and light brown Qinling Panda. Red Panda, which looks like a raccoon, is not a panda species. (Just like how Guinea Pig is not a pig)

- China used to give pandas to other countries, but now only loans for 10 years.

- Panda is used for diplomacy and establishing good relationship between China and other countries.

- All pandas in zoos around the world have a Chinese name.

- There are no pandas in Africa and South America zoos.

- Pandas have a very high upkeep cost. They have a huge appetite and eat lots of bamboo in a day.

- Pandas are not very active in breeding. Researchers have even resorted to using panda porn videos to stimulate them.

- A pair of pandas Kai Kai and Jia Jia was initially scheduled to arrive in Singapore in the second half of 2011, in view of the opening of River Safari in the first half of 2012. There is no news about their arrival yet.

Pandas can be quite a playful lot. Witness their mischief in this video:

Pardon the hysterical laughter by the person behind the camera.

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