Wednesday, July 20, 2011

University Ranking

Saw this University Ranking posted on Relf's blog the other day and NUS is ranked 7th or 8th in the statistics department.

Decided to look up my own faculty and major and these are the ranking of university in the Accounting and Finance department.

1) Harvard University (US)
2) University of Oxford (UK)
3) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (US)
4) University of Cambridge (UK)
5) Stanford University (US)
6) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (UK)
7) University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (US)
8) University of Chicago (US)
9) University of Pennsylvania (US)
10) London Business School (UK)
11) University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (US)
12) Yale University (US)
13) Columbia University (US)
14) The University of Melbourne (Australia)
15) National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore)
16) New York University (NYU) (US)
17) University of Toronto (Canada)
18) Princeton University (US)
19) University of Michigan (US)
20) Australian National University (Australia)


I am proud to say that my faculty ranks quite high also at No. 15.
Its the first in Asia and the second outside of US and UK.
Yay!!! For your information, NTU ranks at No. 44 while SMU is at the 151th to 200th region.

So I'm a little KPO and curious, went to check out the ranking for my fellow zhui xing members' faculty.

Servbot's Chemical Engineering course at NUS: 10th
Reiko's Chinese Studies at NUS (i assumed its ranked under Modern Languages): 18th
Mango's Chinese Studies at NTU (i assumed its ranked under Modern Languages): 51st to 100th Region
Not sure Chinese Studies should be ranked under modern languages or linguistics though. If it's under linguistics, Reiko's would be 15th while Mango's would be still be in the 51st to 100th region.

Hope you guys find this piece of information interesting. :)

Xian Hao

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