追星娱乐八卦新闻 This is Zhui Xing Entertainment News bringing to you the latest and hottest news in the entertainment industry.
罗志祥 was here in Singapore for Charity show 《公益献爱心》. Did you watch his performance that night? After the show that night, he went to try the Bungee jump in Clarke Quay and he said the feeling of being on the bungee jump is damn high. He was introduced to the bungee jump by 萧敬腾 and has been wanting to give it a try ever since. He tried the 2 kinds of bungee jumps available and it didnt seem to have any effect on him. He is still able to shake hands with fans after his ride. Haha. Recently the actors in the Korean version of 流星花园 went to Taiwan to promote their show and they even went onto 《娱乐百分百》. 罗志祥 confessed that the Korean version on 杉菜 is his dream lover. Haha.
There have been rumors about 萧敬腾 being in relationship with his agent, Summer who is 13 years older than him. The background of this agent is also quite complicated. She used to be the gangster head's girlfriend. There are even rumors saying that they break up because of 萧敬腾. In response to this, the agent has denied that she is dating 萧敬腾, but she says that she puts her heart and soul into working with him . The gangster head was also interviewed and he said that the break up was because he cannot give Summer security due to his status. This couple almost got married before they break up.
Jupiter's Special Alright, today we will be featuring a singer that Servbot like. Did you guess correctly? It is 郭静. She just released her new album called 《在树上唱歌》. And is back with a new hairstyle and more great songs for you guys. So are you ready to listen to her songs??
Okay first song of the day is none other than the song title that shares the same name with the album. 在树上唱歌. This is song has got a folk feel to it. Very nice, soothing to the ears and light-hearted. Will makes you smile that kinda song. Also the white dress in this music video is very pretty. Esp when she sits on the tree and the dress dangling down like that. And i must say her new hairstyle really suits her. Very pretty.
郭静 is also well known for her 疗伤歌曲. So it is definitely a must to listen to this next song called 明白. Quite nice. Enjoy ba.
I believe Mango has introduced this next song before. 心墙 is the song that i am going to feature next. But last time when Mango introduce the music video is still not out yet. Now you have a chance to see this music video. If you have missed Mango's introduction or this is your 1st time listening to this song. Fret not. Here is the song for you again. Don't skip again this time wor. Song composition by our very own 林俊杰. Nice song.
Last song of the day. 简单. Sorry there is no music video for this song but still a nice song. Haha. Hope you like all the songs featured today and give 郭静 your support.
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