This is Zhui Xing Entertainment News bringing to you the latest and hottest news in the entertainment industry.
Okay this will be the last episode of Zhui Xing Entertainment News before we take a break for 2 weeks since u will be busy preparing for exams. This column will be back after 7th May when my last paper ends.
梁咏琪 recently went to a talk show and she talked about her high profile six years relationship 郑伊健. She said that this relationship has spoilt her image and has affected her career to a certain extent. Although 郑伊健 already confirmed that 梁咏琪 is not the 3rd party to his previous relationship many of the public still have this mindset which is hard to shake off. 梁咏琪 said she has even thought of leaving the limelight as she is constantly under stress as the relationship is always under attention. Six years of relationship ended because of the few met ups and the love they share for one another is slowly diminished as a result of lack of time to each other. She added that she would rather be in a secret relationship and hints that she is currently seeing someone else. We wish her all the best. 梁咏琪 is a great artiste and i hope she will have her next album or movie out soon!!!
蔡依林 recently went on to 《康熙来了》 and she was asked a lot of juicy questions from 小S including whether 彭于晏 is her type of guy. 蔡依林 just smile in response. So is it silently admitting it. When 小S presses on, she says that it is "对朋友的喜欢" and says that he is one of those "大丈夫" that is described in her song. Hmmm, i will like to know what juicy questions were asked. So if u guys also interested like me. Be sure to catch the show.
红星大奖2009 will be held on the 26th April 2009 and will be telecasted live on Channel 8. Be sure to catch it. Those having exams like me can also watch lar. Just finish all ur studying in the day. Then can make it le. Haha. As Zhui Xing E News is taking a break during that period, we will only be able to post the winner's list when we come back from our break. My apologies. Unless either Mango, Reiko or Servbot is kind enough to help me post. Haha.
Alright so here are the top 10 list this week. Some movements here and there this week that could be surprising to many.
Okay surprises this week. 李铭顺 and 李国煌 are both kicked out of the top 10 this week. Quite shocking right. 姚懿珊 was also kicked out. I was hoping for her to win the top 10 for the 1st time. Hope she made it back into top 10 during the final results.
Your favourites not in? Pls pick up your fone and vote for them!!!
Jupiter's Special
Okay i guess this week's episode will not hit a chore in most of the Zhui Xing members ba.
Cos i think the genre of songs im going to feature today they won't like ba.
Haha. But please have an open heart and listen to them k??
But will it appeal to you?
Last week's theme was songs that was popular then we were teenagers. So this week we will build on the previous theme and feature songs that teenagers are listening to right now.
So if u really have no feel for these songs. Well, what should i say? U really have generation gap with the teenagers lor. Haha. Old liao.
Okay first singer today is damn popular in America.
She acted in a show called "Hannah Montana" and was instantly risen to stardom.
She is Miley Cyrus. Nv heard her name before? Think u out liao lar. She was the "Britney Spears" now lor. This is one of her songs called "7 things". I wouldn't say she got power vocals but at least this song is sort of youthful in a straight in your face with an angsty edge to it. Haha.
Another show that was a huge hit was High School Musical.
This show also made a lot of people popular and one of them is the female lead Vanessa Hudgens. She is really pretty lor. This song is called Say ok. I like this song. Quite groovy and got an R&B feel to it. Her boyfriend who is like damn shuai also, Zac Efron, appears in this music video. And yes Zac Efron is the male lead of High School Musical and yes both of them are boy-girl friends in real life too. Really very compatible lor them. Envious!!!
Didn't get to take a close look at Zac Efron. Don't fret.
Next up is a sneak preview to his latest movie 17 again.
Reason im putting this is because it fits the theme. The more impt thing is i wanna watch this movie after exams!!!! Dunno whether still will be showing at that time anot. But any takers??? Take a look at the preview first ba. Wah, he really shuai lor. Haha.
Okay next up is the boyband of this generation.
Introducing the Jonas Brothers. They are really brothers okay. From the same family and all. And all 3 of them look shuai lor. And besides looking shuai, i went to listen to there song and wah they can sing also leh and also know how to play instruments. Not bad. The melody to this song also quite catchy. This is Burning Up by Jonas Brothers.
Bonus Track:
Okay guys this one is a SURE SURE SURE SURE must watch video of today.
It appeared on Channel 8 news, Channel 5 news and it attracted over 22 million viewers on youtube. This 47 year old auntie sang a les miserables song on a talent show called Britains Got Talent. Damn stunned and shocked by her performance. U must i repeat copy the link and go watch it. I cant post it here online cos its embedded by request and all the other videos relating to this also embedded. Must watch huh.
That's all this week.
All the best to those having exams!!!
Xian Hao
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