This is Zhui Xing Entertainment News bringing to you the latest and hottest news in the entertainment industry.
We have some really sad news to announce and this happened at the beginning of this week.
I guess many of you would have heard.
Taiwanese Singer, 阿桑 who is well-known for singing the song, 叶子, had passed away. She was 34 years of age and had released a total of 2 albums.
Last October, she was diagnosed with the last stage of breast cancer. She did not really tell anyone about her condition and i believed even her family members were kept in the dark and that's why everyone is so shocked when this happened. And the really heartbreaking part is that she actually wanted to get married with her ABC boyfriend this year but it is really a pity that she will never be after to fulfill this last wish.
阿桑, May you rest in peace.
Remember last year when 黄靖伦 and 潘嗣敬 went to Taiwan to take part in the third season of 《超级星光大道》. Now 黄靖伦 has already released his first album and is really gaining popularity in Taiwan but what is 潘嗣敬 doing recently? Looks like he came back to Singapore to become a wedding singer and he is still waiting for the opportunity to come. After the competition, the well-known producer 王伟忠 actually wanted to sign him on and let him appear on shows like 康熙来了 but the 5 years contract that he was offered has a salary that he feels is too low cos it is not enough for him to clear his debts that he has accumulated coming to Taiwan to compete and stuff like that. Thats why he rejected the offer.
Well, we hope that 潘嗣敬 will have his opportunity soon. Wish him luck!!!
Star Awards Report!!!
瑞恩, 彭耀顺, 李国煌, 庄米雪 and 程旭辉 will not be attending the star awards ceremony on 26th April. Is it a protest??
No lar. Its actually because they are invited to go to London to participate in the "Singapore Day" activity. These artiste are quite disappointed that they wont be attending the Star Awards but many are also excited at the same time as this will be the 1st time they travel to London.
The folowing are the name list of the artiste that are currently on the top 10 based on telephone calls which builds up 50% of the final results.
There are definitely some surprises including 陈汉玮 and princesses, 刘芷绚 and 谢婉谕 not making the list. Uncles like 刘谦益 and 黄文永 making it to the top 10 induces some surprises as well.
So if your favourites are not in please pick up the phone now and vote!!!!
Jupiter's Special
Okay, since it is one of those stressful times now when everyone is trying to study for exams and working frantically to get ur assignments done. I guess it is time to relax the mood abit.
So today, we in Jupiter's Special will lighten up ur mood and hopefully bring back memories of ur teenage years.
Today i will be featuring songs that are really hot and popular in our teenage years. English songs that is. Hopefully it brings back some fond memories.
I remebered Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were really popular at that time. They were the IN thing that time. The 2 of them are like always competeing with each other to see who is better. Remember?
Okay this song is damn popular that time. The song title also very fun.
Oops i did it again by Britney Spears.
Wah this video can see that time Britney Spears still very pretty and not fat. Haha.
Gone were the days, i can only say.
Actually compared to Britney i like Christina more. This was the first Christina song that i listened to. Got sing a few times in KBox dunno whether anyone rmb. I still like Christina and after so many years i still like this song. I guess this will be one of those 经典 English songs ba. Christina very pretty in music video also. Voice is damn nice also.
I Turn to You by Christina Aguilera
Oh yar, Boybands were really popular at that time. Not so now in the English Pop industry.
I guess you guys surely know who Justin Timberlake is right?? But before Justin Timberlake was Justin Timberlake he was one of the members in this boyband called N-Sync. This song is also very special to me cos it was the theme song to our class drama production that time. Haha. I didn't act that time. I was in charge of the lightings. My actor side havent come out ba. I remember seeing my classmates dancing to this song then was so envious wanna join like that. Haha.
This is Bye Bye Bye by N-Sync. See whether u can spot Justin Timberlake.
Backstreet boys were damn popular those days remember??
And they really very shuai. Esp the two blonde hair ones. Haha. Wonder where they are now???
I really like this song they sang. Yes, till this date i still like it.
Shape of my heart. Hope you like it too.
Bonus Track:
Okay i came across this video when my friend intro to me. Stunned lor. The girl damn pro. Small little girl with BIG BIG vocals. From Phillipines this is Charice Pempengco with I Have Nothing orginally sang by the legendary Whitney Houston.
This teenager can sing man!!!!
That's all this week.
Hope you like it.
Xian Hao
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